Murali Ramanujam

I am a PhD student in the Department of Computer Science at Princeton University. I am advised by Prof. Ravi Netravali. My research spans the broad areas of Systems and Machine Learning, with a focus on optimizing system performance/efficiency at various levels of the stack. Prior to Princeton, I received my Master's degree in Computer Science from the University of Cambridge and Bachelor's degree from the National University of Singapore respectively.

PhD student. Computer Science, Princeton University.
Research area: Systems and networking.
Advisor: Prof. Ravi Netravali.

  • muralisr [at]
  • 35 Olden St
    Princeton, NJ 08540
  • Scholar profile

Recent Publications

  1. ANN-Assisted Wireless Link Rate Adaptation for Compute-Constrained Embedded Gaming Devices
    Hao Yin+, Murali Ramanujam+, Joe Schaefer, Stan Adermann, Srihari Narlanka, Perry Lea, Ravi Netravali, Krishna Chintalapudi (+ equal contribution)
    NSDI 2024.
  2. MadEye: Boosting Live Video Analytics Accuracy with Adaptive Camera Configurations
    Mike Wong, Murali Ramanujam, Guha Balakrishnan, Ravi Netravali.
    NSDI 2024.
  3. Floo: Automatic, Lightweight Memoization for Faster Mobile Apps
    Murali Ramanujam, Helen Chen, Shaghayegh Mardani, Ravi Netravali.
    MobiSys 2022.
  4. NRG: A Network Perspective on Applications' Performance
    Noa Zilberman, Andrew W Moore, Billy Cooper, Jackson Woodruff, Yuta Tokusashi, Pietro Bressana, Murali Ramanujam, Diana Andreea Popescu, Salvator Galea.
    TMA 2021.
  5. Marauder: Synergized Caching and Prefetching for Low-Risk Mobile App Acceleration
    Murali Ramanujam, Harsha Madhyastha, Ravi Netravali.
    MobiSys 2021.
  6. Alohamora: Reviving HTTP/2 Push and Preload by Adapting Policies On the Fly
    Nikhil Kansal+, Murali Ramanujam+, Ravi Netravali. (+ equal contribution)
    NSDI 2021.
  7. P4DNS: In-Network DNS.
    Jackson Woodruff, Murali Ramanujam, Noa Zilberman.
    ANCS 2019.
  8. Towards a highly scalable network tester.
    Murali Ramanujam, Noa Zilberman.
    ANCS 2018.
